At our meeting on the 10th of October we held our first initiation since 2018!
It was a great night for our candidate Phil (now Brother) Lord who was treated to a ceremony of initiation second to none. He was supported by the attendance of 41 brethren, including being honoured by the presence of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Very Worshipful Brother Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith accompanied by 11 active Provincial Officers.
Phil was surprised to find several of his friends in attendance who he had no clue were members of our fraternity; as a Lodge we were supported by many friends from other Lodges who took part in the ceremony and enabled us to deliver a fitting and memorable first step into Freemasonry for Brother Phil, for which we thank them most sincerely.
We enjoyed a typical high quality Tickton Grange festive board and had a thoroughly joyous and fraternal time, The toast to our newly made brother was given, the Entered Apprentices song was sung and the symbolism of the Masonic Chain was explained, which was something that a few of our visitors hadn’t witnessed before and was of great interest to them.
All in all a splendid night and reminiscent of the days before Covid19, when we and our fellow Masons could mingle freely and enjoy each others company, just as it should be.
Our newly made Brother performing the important duty of picking the winning raffle numbers!
The Worshipful Master proposes the toast to the Very Worshipful deputy Provincial Grand Master
On the 13th of June 2022 Wyke held its delayed installation meeting.
In an excellent ceremony W Bro Andrew Cooke was installed into the chair of the Lodge for second year by proclamation, using the proclamation ritual originally complied by W Bro CW Shields for the Andrew Marvel Lodge.
We were delighted to have W Bro Allan Armbrister the Assistant Provincial Grand Master and a team of active provincial officers with us on this occasion, and W Bro Armbrister gave the address to the Worshipful Master adding further dignity to our ceremony.
28 of our brethren and guest enjoyed another excellent Tickton Grange meal, and we went home feeling fully satisfied that we had witnessed another milestone in the Lodge’s history and had fully enjoyed good food and even better company.
Half a million pounds was raised in just three weeks, in response to the MCF and UGLE Ukraine Crisis Appeal. Five charities have now been chosen to receive £100,000 each to help continue their crucial work on the ground in Ukraine, as well as helping refugees in neighbouring countries including Poland, Moldova, Romania, and in the UK.
We held our business meeting on the 14th of March with a small but select band of Brothers and confirmed our Master Elect W Bro Andrew Cooke, who continues as our Worshipful Master for another year, our Treasurer and other elected positions, and then enjoyed another excellent Tickton Grange repast!
Thousands of Ukrainian refugees will be given help and support from Freemasons in England and Wales, following a £50,000 grant to the British Red Cross. The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF, the Freemasons’ Charity) and the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) have been monitoring the growing refugee crisis of over 500,000 Ukrainian people who have been forced from their country or been internally displaced from their homes. We are seeking to identify the most critical needs and we are pleased to be able to support and work with the British Red Cross in helping the growing number of refugees. Many Freemasons have contacted the MCF and UGLE to ask how they can offer further support in addition to this grant. We have therefore established a dedicated Ukraine Crisis fundraising appeal using the Relief Chest Scheme to allow Freemasons, their families and friends to donate.
We encourage Freemasons and others wishing to support Ukraine to donate via the Relief Chest online appeal page at
In addition to this national appeal, Freemasons from Lodges across England, Wales and overseas have been sharing their own stories about volunteering, fundraising and donating at the local level. We are inspired by their efforts and proud to be able to join them in responding to this growing humanitarian crisis.
We held our normal February Lodge meeting which coincided with Valentine’s Day on 14 February 2022.
Bro Tony Jones with his 50-year certificate, to his left W Bro Clark Robson and to his right W Bro Ben Foundling
The main business of the evening was to present a 50-year certificate to Bro Tony Jones of our Lodge. This was presented by W Bro Ben Foundling, who had joined Wyke Millennium at Bro Tony’s suggestion. It was an excellent presentation with an insight into Bro Tony’s personal and masonic career, which was very interesting and as one might expect fulfilling. Bro Tony was supported by two friends from the Humber Lodge 57 and the Alexandra Lodge 1511.
At the suggestion of W Bro Mal Grange at our November meeting, our Worshipful Master promoted the evening as a ‘white table’ event to which our wives, partners and friends could be invited to the Festive Board.
Valentines’ day was too good an opportunity to miss and 17 ladies were given a long stemmed rose each. We had table magic from Rich Reynolds a talented and totally baffling close-up magician, which was enjoyed by all present.
Magician Rich Reynolds confounds his audience
Following that we had a talk on the work of the St Michael’s Youth Project given by the two project leaders, Jo Lorenze and Mat Rogers who were our guests for the evening. The work done by the project is brilliant (see link to website) and we were pleased to present Jo and Mat with £250 towards their very good cause.
The Worshipful Master Andrew Cooke with St Michael’s Youth Project Leaders, Ms Jo Lorenze and Mr Mat Rogers