Wyke Millenium Lodge During the Pandemic


The period of the pandemic was a miserable time for all of us, and Freemasonry suffered along with everybody else. No meetings were allowed and then some relaxation came along with the ‘rule of 6’.

At Wyke Millennium we managed one meeting in October 2020 where six of us met to carry out some essential Lodge business. Whilst it was good to be amongst some of our members, it was a limited affair and a reminder of what we were missing.

In 2021 we managed a little better and although delayed by a month, we held our Installation meeting in June and installed Bro Andrew Cooke as our new Worshipful Master. Whilst again we operated under the ‘rule of 6’, we nonetheless carried out all the essential parts of an Installation ceremony and Bro Cooke was duly installed into the chair of the Lodge according to Ancient Custom and with all sincerity.

This was the restart of our Lodge meetings and our meetings are now back on schedule.

W Bro Andrew Cooke the new Worshipful Master
W Bro Mal Grange Installing Senior Warden
W Bro Chris Hairsine Secretary
W Bro Kevin Shilcock Installing Master
W Bro Ben Foundling Installing Junior Warden
W Bro Roger Lewis Installing Inner Guard, Director of Ceremonies and anything else needed!